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MA 16600, Spring 2011

Course Info.


Exam Info.


Office Hrs

Course Description

Credit Hours: 4.00. Continuation of MA 165. Vectors in two and three dimensions. Techniques of integration, infinite series, polar coordinates, surfaces in three dimensions. Not open to students with credit in MA 162. Typically offered Fall Spring.

Instructor Info.

Section Room Time Instructor Office
MA 16600 001 MATH 175 9:30am MWF Yip, Nung Kwan MATH 432
MA 16600 002 UNIV 019 8:30am R Arshad, Fahad MATH 741
MA 16600 003 UNIV 019 9:30am R Arshad, Fahad MATH 741
MA 16600 004 UNIV 019 10:30am R Schendel, Jeremy MATH 633
MA 16600 005 UNIV 119 11:30am R Schendel, Jeremy MATH 633
MA 16600 006 MATH 175 12:30pm MWF Matsuki, Kenji MATH 614
MA 16600 007 UNIV 019 12:30pm R Lucas, Jason MATH 607
MA 16600 008 UNIV 019 1:30pm R Lucas, Jason MATH 607
MA 16600 009 UNIV 019 2:30pm R Kim, Joseph MATH 741
MA 16600 010 UNIV 019 3:30pm R Kim, Joseph MATH 741
MA 16600 011 PHYS 112 1:30pm MWF Yeung, Sai MATH 712
MA 16600 012 REC 225 7:30am R Venkatakrishnan, Singanallur MATH 741
MA 16600 013 REC 225 8:30am R Venkatakrishnan, Singanallur MATH 741
MA 16600 014 REC 225 9:30am R Yao, Kan MATH 741
MA 16600 015 REC 225 10:30am R Yao, Kan MATH 741
MA 16600 016 UNIV 001 11:30am R Packett, James MATH 637
MA 16600 017 REC 225 12:30pm R Packett, James MATH 637
MA 16600 023 UNIV 101 1:30pm R Darvas, Tamas MATH 1047
MA 16600 018 MATH 175 2:30pm MWF Shen, Jie MATH 406
MA 16600 019 REC 225 1:30pm R Legg, Alan MATH 715
MA 16600 020 REC 225 2:30pm R Legg, Alan MATH 715
MA 16600 021 REC 225 3:30pm R Choiy, Kwangho MATH 1039
MA 16600 022 REC 225 4:30pm R Choiy, Kwangho MATH 1039

Course Materials

There are no materials for this course.

Important Notes

  • ADA policies: please see our ADA Information page for more details
  • In the event of a missed exam, see your instructor/professor as soon as possible.
  • See the online course evaluation page for more information on how we collect course feedback from students

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